Friday, April 10, 2009


Doubt is set in a Catholic elementary school where a Sister begins to have doubts about one of the priests. What kind of doubt you ask?

This movie is summed up by its title, and by my first sentence. Delving into it further would spoil this for everyone out there.

What I can tell you is that this is a Master Class in acting. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, and Viola Davis are kind enough to teach everyone how this is supposed to be done. I doubt that you will be able to find four superior performances in one movie. Apparently somebody agrees with me as they were each nominated for an Academy Award. Hoffman and Streep for Best Actor and Actress, and Adams and Davis for Best Supporting Actress.

I really can't say enough about this movie so I won't. I was absolutely enthralled from the minute it started. It is subject matter that we have become all too familiar with and the performances make it real. Amazingly real.

5 stars, and I don't give them out often. Pick up a copy, and I would love to hear what you think.

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