Sunday, November 23, 2008

Alpha Dog

Alpha Dog is a movie that actually made me very angry. Not because of the content, but because of what it could have been.

Based on a true story about Jesse James Hollywood. The movie gets confused about what it wants to be. It drifts between being a true crime story, a tragedy, or a typical teen drug party movie. It tries to do all three and that is precisely where it fails.

The movie was completely miscast. Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone were completely under utilized. They have both done this genre before and could have helped save this flick. Emile Hirsch was simply unbelievable. He is a good actor and when put in roles that suit his abilities, Into The Wild comes to mind, he can succeed with flying colors. He is just not a "tough guy" in my opinion.

Justin Timberlake
has some ability but is green and needs some time. He had some really strong moments, but just as many weak moments.

The only strong performance came from Anton Yelchin. He was vulnerable, a bit rebellious, and heart wrenching when he needed to be. I wanted to shake him a few times, and that is a compliment to his performance.

The movie was not all bad. I will give credit where it's due. The final 30 minutes were strong and engrossing. It's just too bad that it took 90 minutes to get there.

I am giving this 2 out of 5 stars. This material should have made it an easy 4. The story deserved more than Nick Cassavetes was able to give. I want a do over!

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