Friday, November 28, 2008


Hancock is just another example of what can go wrong in Hollywood.

This is a new installment to the super hero genre that went totally awry. I have no idea what Peter Berg was trying to do with this material. He was all over the map. In 95 minutes, the movie was dark, light, humorous, ridiculous, sappy, and sad.

If he would have kept the material dark, much like it began, he would have had a winner. Will Smith's wise cracking was very funny, and the sexual scene was hilarious. But every time they went in different directions I was left shaking my head.

It's a shame because there were strong performances all around. Will Smith kept this from being a complete waste of time. He has become one of the better actors of his generation. He has proven that he can pull off just about anything. Jason Bateman was very believable but they just didn't develop his character enough for anyone to care about him.

Charlize Theron
was so under utilized that it was a sin. This material gave her very little to work with. Her main part developed so late in the game that it couldn't help save the movie. If they would have let her appear in her "business" attire a bit longer they could have at least helped the males of the audience survive.

She is ridiculously hot. Let's hope she never goes back to Monster. Nobody needs to see this:

I went smaller on the pic to save your souls.

For all you A/V junkies out there, the Blu-Ray slightly above average. The picture was clean but they could have done more with the special effects. The Dolby TrueHD was also just slightly above average. Man, they could have done SO much more with this.

2 out of 5 stars.

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