Saturday, November 8, 2008

Get Smart

Get Smart was long overdue. I was a big fan of the T.V. series so needless to say I was excited to hear this was coming to the big screen. I fear that the younger generation may not be able to relate to this movie as the T.V. show was so off beat, so strange, and so witty that it is hard to duplicate. It's supposed to be goofy and completely off the wall.

The producers spent a lot of time setting up Max on his quest to become an agent, something the series never bothered to do. They also threw in the love interest between Max and Agent 99, played by the amazingly beautiful and talented Anne Hathaway. Another topic that never reared it's head in the original series.

That being said, there are a number of strong performances in this film to warrant a watch. Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway, Alan Arkin, and Terrence Stamp were all quite good. This is a good, but not great movie. The blu-ray transfer is very good and the paltry DD 5.1 audio was actually impressive. What is with the lossy audio formats on blu-ray? It just does not make sense. The movie is definitely worth a view. Oh, and I challenge you to find 5 actors hotter than Anne Hathaway. Go ahead, I dare you.

3 out of 5 stars.

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