Sunday, March 1, 2009


Changeling is based on a true story about a hard working single mother named Christine Collins who's son goes missing one day while at work. After months of investigating by a seriously corrupt LAPD her son is returned to her, or is he?

Angelina Jolie, in an Oscar nominated role for Best Actress, earns that nomination with a fabulous performance. I have made it known that I am not a big fan of hers, and I will admit that I had a really hard time seeing past her overblown red lips. However she gives a truly solid performance that many will remember for years to come.

In a role that was rarely spoken of, John Malkovich pulls off a fabulous performance as Rev. Gustav Briegleb, an activist who has dedicated his life to stopping the rampant corruption in the LAPD.

The movie starts a bit slow as Director Clint Eastwood goes to great lengths to set up the 1920's drama. It was so in your face with the period set-up that it became too noticeable. But after the story kicks in you become totally engrossed. I had a hard time turning my head from the screen.

This is one of those rare stories where the journey is just as satisfying as the finish line.

Changeling is a terrific movie. One that will take your emotions on a wild roller coaster ride. If you can make it through the initial 20 minutes of stage setting you will be rewarded with a great movie, and an even greater performance.

It's a 4 star must see film.

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