Sunday, March 22, 2009


Nominated for Best Writing, Screenplay by The Academy, Happy-Go-Lucky follows the life of Poppy played by Sally Hawkins. Poppy is one of those eternal optimists, always cheery, always looking on the bright side of life. She is so cheery that it is beyond nauseating. Take a look...

She's a 30 year old school teacher from London that lives with her best friend in a London flat. She also has no drivers license and rides her bike wherever she goes. One day, her beloved bike gets stolen and she decides to grow up, just a tad, and get a drivers license! Awesome stuff right?

The movie basically meanders through a few days in her life. Taking driving lessons, teaching school, partying with her friends, hurting her back, and even taking flamenco lessons.

It basically reminded me of the Seinfeld episodes when George and Jerry were writing their pilot for NBC. It's a show about nothing!

Good enough if you are into that kind of thing. Or if you are trying to fill 30 minutes with a sitcom. For me it just didn't work. Sure, there were a few good laughs and Sally Hawkins was quite good. But for nearly two hours of movie it nearly put me to sleep. You may get a few interesting moments, but not nearly enough.

You can skip this one. 2 stars and a ho-hum.

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