Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tropic Tunder

Tropic Thunder is a parody on everything Hollywood. Each of the characters spoofs upon someone you will recognize. The movie itself spoofs upon war movies. It draws upon Platoon for the majority of its fodder, but isn't afraid to pull from Saving Private Ryan along with a few others.

I realize that this movie got tremendous reviews, in fact it received an 83% on the Tomaometer! I was tremendously excited to see this film. Unfortunately I could not have been more disappointed.

The spoof got old quickly. You can only go so far with the material. If you have seen any of the above mentioned movies you will quickly say, "enough already"!

Ben Stiller is his typical self and I have become bored with it. Tom Cruise was actually quite funny and Robert Downey Jr. was amazing. He continues his meteoric rise back to untouchable status. Good for him!

The Blu-Ray transfer was very solid, the picture was crisp and the jungle scenes were impressive. The Dolby TrueHD was also quite engaging.

I give it 2 out of 5 stars. I would love to hear your thoughts.


Weezie said...

I was as disappointed as you were. I think I had my hopes too high for it and thought it would be hysterical with the cast they had. I'm also a big Ben Stiller fan and figured he'd make me laugh. That didn't happen.

And, as much as I enjoy Jack Black, I hated his character in this movie - but, I did get a kick out of Tom Cruise.

2 stars might be too many. :)

Anonymous said...

I think I might have given it 1 star, if not for the Jack Black....ummm....oral sex diatribe!