Thursday, January 1, 2009


Towelhead is a seriously polarizing movie. It is extremely controversial and tackles numerous issues that are likely to make you squirm in your seat. Bigotry, teenage sexuality, physical and mental child abuse, and sexual abuse are all some of the issues broached in 110 minutes by Alan Ball.

The story surrounds a young adolescent named Jasira, who is dealing with the challenges of becoming a woman while living with her overbearing Lebanese father in Texas during the first Gulf War.

If you watched the trailer you get the direction this movie is going. Strong performances abound in this flick with Summer Bishil doing a fabulous job as Jasira. Aaron Eckhart gives a strong and believable performance playing a complete dirt ball, and Toni Collette saved the movie for me.

I do have two casting complaints. Peter Macdissi seemed a bit too methodical, or perhaps he was in over his head, I couldn't decide which. Either way, I didn't buy into his character. Maria Bello, and her character, were completely under utilized. More appearances by her, and stronger development of her character and the relationship with Jasira would have went a long way.

Again, this is a very powerful and controversial film. It is also quite good, but as stated, will be very polarizing and reviewed differently by each who see it. The majority of the film is extremely uncomfortable, scene after scene. There are very few moments that go by that do not make you squirm. Too much so for my taste.

The final third of the film actually pulled it out of the uncomfortable abyss. Toni Collette's character appeared for good and pulled the movie into the mainstream. Well done, Ms. Collette.

Those that can handle the abundant controversial material will really like this film. Those with a weak stomach may not be able to handle it.

A 480p presentation and dialogue driven Dolby Digital 5.1 is nothing to brag about. A good soundtrack appears in the third act.

4 stars and a must see in my humble opinion.

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