Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Dark Knight

Christopher Nolan is an absolute stud! The Dark Knight is another perfect installment into this franchise. This was a franchise left for dead, on life support, courtesy of Joel Schumacher.

Batman Begins told Schumacher to step aside. The Dark Knight told him to shove it! Yes, it was that good. All that and a bag of chips. Whatever moniker you want to use, go ahead because it rocked.

At 2 1/2 hours you would think it would feel long, overblown. No way!

A friend of mine said that with all the hype, they feared being disappointed. Fear not, there is no way to be disappointed here. And if you are, I wonder what it would take to peak your interest?

After watching that trailer you don't need me to tell you what this is about. All that I can do is reassure each of you three readers that this movie is fabulous. Now I know that action movies don't get Academy love, especially not super hero action movies. But it's a shame because this is that good. It could get more than one nod and it would deserve every bit of it.

Oh, and Heath Ledger, we lost a great one too early. It's too bad. This was a performance of a lifetime. One you can never forget, it will stick with you forever. If ever someone deserved an Oscar, it is Heath. I hope you rest in peace because we movie buffs barely got a taste of your genius.

That's enough from me. Get this film. Blu-Ray is phenomenal and the Dolby TrueHD is flawless. More reference material.

My only, minor complaint? Maggie Gyllenhaal. She does okay, but she just couldn't pull off Rachel Dawes for me. We needed more heat, I mean, it is Batman for crying out loud!

5 stars, in case you couldn't tell.

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