Friday, December 12, 2008

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

With Guy Ritchie's pending release of RockNRolla I thought it would be a good idea to re-visit his most successful film.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels was the ex-Mr. Madge's best movie by far. For those of you not familiar, he followed this up with Snatch. In my opinion, not as good as Lock but it has a big following with some good entertainment value. Since then, Guy has been quiet, and what he has produced has been mostly crap.

This is a typical Guy Ritchie film. Tons of characters intertwined into one plot. You need to pay attention to follow it as those of you with ADD will probably get helplessly lost in space. Lots of violence and language tied in with terrific British humor keep it all together.

Jason Statham fans will be happy to re-visit his younger days. Guy's films tend to be of the "love it or hate it" variety. I am in the helpless minority, I don't feel strongly either way. But I do really like the good fun and humor that it provides.

4 stars, go out and rent this again. I bet you like it even more the second time around.

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