Saturday, December 20, 2008


I am beginning to believe that Don Cheadle is one of the most underrated actors of our time.

Traitor is a movie that you think you have seen before, countless times. Another fear mongering terrorist flick that will anger you and pull at your heart strings. Don't buy into it.

This is a very good movie. Don Cheadle is probably one of the few people who could successfully sell snake oil. He makes you believe every word, and he makes you like him even if he's a sleaze.

It's true that this is a movie about terrorism, about deceit, and ultimately about the all too realistic threat of religious fanaticism. It also shows you about the hard work that goes into thwarting such efforts, and all of the pitfalls that surround these events. However it's never heavy handed in it's efforts. It does not weigh you down with over politicizing the movie, or slanting beliefs in one direction. It allows you to be an adult, to think for yourself, and be entertained while thinking just a bit. What a novel concept!

The movie does have a few issues. You can certainly see some of the twists coming. Others will surprise you. It can, at times, fall victim to the "typical" storyline. However when it does, it will quickly pull you out of it. Even so, I never left my seat.

Guy Pearce performed quite admirably. He is an actor who showed great promise in Memento but I haven't seem much of him since then. Very well done, and I hope that I see more of him soon.

Neal McDonough hangs in but I fear that he is one dimensional. He can play a hard headed cop, criminal, or military type but that's about the extent of it.

The Blu-Ray format is very solid. There are some fabulous shots to showcase the technology, and all of the skin tones ring true. You can see the tension in the facial expressions at all times, and that does nothing but help you become immersed in the story.

The Dolby TrueHD is also very well done. There are some serious explosions that will make your sub rock the house! There is nothing like a quick jolt to get the adrenaline pumping.

A full 4 star rating, definitely worth the watch. Pop some corn and enjoy!

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